Northbourne Park School is an educationally inclusive school in which the well being, learning achievements and attitudes of every pupil matter.
The school recognises, however, that either for a short time or throughout a young person’s schooling some additional support may be required. Such support may be required as a result of a specific learning difficulty such as dyslexia, emotional or social communication difficulties, fine and gross motor skills enhancement, a linguistic difficulty or family circumstance.
The school liaises closely with prospective parents to identify any specific needs an individual may have prior to their starting at the school. With the benefit of regular formative and summative internal assessments, teachers at Northbourne Park are quick to notice any changes in a pupil’s performance or a widening gap between an individual and his or her peers.
When required, a specific support programme is planned and delivered by Specialist Teachers. This usually involves 1 to 1 or small group tuition. A termly Provision Plan (PP) is written with specific targets outlined to be covered in the sessions. Individual instruction programmes are designed to extend the pupils academically and to help them overcome their specific difficulties. Part of a Support Programme may also offer some in class support with our highly experienced and qualified Learning Support Assistants across the core curriculum. PPs are reviewed at the end of each term with parents and provision planned, if required for the following term.
Where external assessments are required the Learning Support Department is able to liaise closely with the relevant specialists prior to any assessment and then to meet with parents in order to discuss how best to implement any recommendations within school.
Northbourne Park School works closely with senior schools to ensure that, when required, an appropriate package of support is continued on entry into Year 9.
Any additional support provided, as agreed with parents, is invoiced at the end of each school term.