Years 7 and Year 8

Years 7 and 8

As the senior pupils of the school, Years 7 and 8 are regularly given roles of responsibility and the chance to be leaders. The children relish these opportunities and are impressive in the way they look after the younger years.

The academic work is challenging but with the support of the staff there is a great sense of achievement in completing the 2 year programme of study. At the end of Year 8 some of the children will take Common Entrance exams while others will take scholarship exams. Whatever their future senior school destination, they are well-supported throughout the course.

Academic benefits

  • The children develop their confidence by being the senior pupils in the school. They complete a two year programme designed to move into Year 9.

  • We provide a first-class preparation for children taking scholarships to senior schools with a very good track record.
  • We achieve very strong success in the exams from Year 8 to Year 9. This places the children in top sets when they move to the senior schools.
  • We invest a lot of time & effort into individuals, we know the children.
  • Modern Foreign language opportunities at NPS are incredibly strong. We are often told children are a year ahead when they move into Year 9.

Sport and extra-curricular

  • More opportunity to be chosen for sports teams

  • Concerts and school plays

  • Fieldtrips
  • Residential trips
  • Pilgrimage to Canterbury
  • Nightwalk


  • The children take on roles of responsibility.
  • Opportunities to do full, weekly and flexi-boarding.
  • Everybody knows everybody at Northbourne Park.
  • Friendships with children from France, Spain and other countries often last a lifetime.

Year 7 Form Teacher:  Mr Alex Rydon

Year 8 Form Teacher: Miss Alison Goodall