Northbourne Park International Pupils

The English curriculum & Section Française Bilingue. 

Northbourne Park welcomes international applicants into both its unique Section Française Bilingue and English curriculum classes. 

All children enjoy the challenges and excitements of English Prep school life, learning English, making lifelong friends and enjoying challenging and engaging lessons. Our international community is one of our many strengths, and our staff are expert at getting the very best out of all of our pupils whatever their nationality, culture and background.

International children join us between the ages of 7 and 13 years and usually join one of two programmes. To discuss the best route for your child, make an enquiry now.

The English curriculum

Bilingual International pupils in Years 3 to 6 (ages 7 -11) work alongside English pupils and follow the ‘Northbourne Park Syllabus’ which is an enhanced version of the UK’s National Curriculum.

Lessons are 35 minutes long and many are taught in double lessons.

Our small classes ensure that we can give the best individual attention to every child.

Subject No. lessons /week
English 6 -8
Maths 7-8
Science 4
French 4
Geography 2-3
History 2-3
Art 2
Music 2
R.S. 2
P.E. 2
Games 6
Spanish 2
P.S.H.E 1-2


In years 7 and 8 (ages 11-13), pupils progress in the same classes to the Common Entrance syllabus, which is the gateway to entry to top independent senior schools by examination at the end of Year 8.

Subject No. lessons /week
English 6
Maths 6
Science 4
French 4
Geography 4
History 4
Art 2
Music 2
R.S. 2
P.E. 2
Games 6
Spanish 2
P.S.H.E 1

As free-standing independent school, we have well-established links with top senior schools both locally and nationally. 

In the past our pupils studying the English Syllabus have gone on often with major scholarships to:

King’s Canterbury
St Edmund’s Canterbury

and other top senior schools, either locally or further afield.

The Section Française Bilingue (SFB)

Northbourne Park’s unique Bilingual Classes, the 6e and the 5e, allow French-speaking pupils to continue the French curriculum in dedicated classes for their CM2/6e and 5e years, following the CNED.

Lessons are 35 minutes long and although the SFB pupils follow the same timetable as the English pupils, they learn in separate classes taught by French nationals and by specialist teachers from the English Curriculum.

50% of the curriculum is taught in English to start with and this percentage builds up throughout the year.

Our small classes ensure that we can give the best individual attention to every child.

Subject No. Lessons/Week
English 8
Maths (CNED) 7
Science 4
French(CNED) 8
Geography 2
History 3
Art 2
Music 2
P.E. 2
Games 6
Spanish 2
P.S.H.E 1

The pupils are examined at the end of the year and receive an ‘Attestation de Passage’ from the Lyçée Français de Londres, which allows them to return seamlessly into the next year in the Continental Collèges / Lyçées.

For cinquième-level pupils who exhibit a high level of academic ability and motivation, possess strong independent learning skills and have a high standard of English, we offer a bespoke, "Advanced Programme". 

Advanced Programme pupils join the English curriculum Year 8 class and operate across both the English system and the Section Française Bilingue, following the Common Entrance, the CNED and the FCE course at the same time. 

For information about programme and how to apply, read the course brochure here

As free-standing independent school, we have well-established links with top Collèges / Lyçées and Bilingual Schools in France, Spain and Belgium. 

Our pupils leave with huge value added to their education and go on to be successful and independent learners.

In the past our pupils studying in La Section  Francaise Bilingue have gone on to amongst others:

La Tour
St Dominique
St Martin de France
Ecole Active Bilingue et
Lyçées Français de Londres, Madrid, Bruxelles et du Luxembourg.

Northbourne Park is an examination centre for the Cambridge ESOL courses including PET, KET and FCE and all children follow this course leading to examinations each summer in May at a level suitable to their proficiency. This incorporates reading, writing, speaking and listening skills, and, due to the integrated learning environment that NPS offers, the pupils make swift progress throughout the year.

The school also offers private English lessons if the children need a little more on-to-one support.