Sport at Northbourne Park Pre-Prep

At Northbourne Park, we strive to give every child the best sporting opportunities while helping each individual fulfill their true potential. Pupils' sporting journey begins at Pre-Prep. 

We offer excellent facilities and a wide range of sporting disciplines, supported by a dedicated, professional, and caring team of Games staff. Our structured yet fun approach to sport at a young age helps each child develop their sporting talents more effectively. This consistent method of teaching PE and Games spans from Squirrels Nursery through to Year 8. Weekly lessons, sports clubs, and Pre-Prep Sports Day provide pupils with opportunities to practice skills and develop a passion for sport.

Transition to Prep School

Our Year 2 pupils come to the Prep School for all PE lessons, taught by a Prep School staff member. This aids their transition from Pre-Prep to Prep and allows them to enjoy our Astro Pitch, playing fields, and Sports Hall.