Northbourne Park Squirrels Nursery & Pre-Prep 

Squirrels NurseryReceptionYear 1 & 2

Northbourne Park Squirrels Nursery & Pre-Prep

Welcome to the Pre-Prep, a magical setting where children embark on their school years. From Squirrels Nursery to Year 2, it is a hive of learning and activity with a dedicated team and beautiful grounds.

Northbourne Pre-Prep is a short walk from the Prep School, which are together set in 100 acres of beautiful grounds and woodland. Located in the delightful Old Rectory, the Pre-Prep provides a perfect environment for children to learn and play from Nursery until Year 2, with its idyllic large garden, orchard, wood, separate hall and outside classroom.

Within the Pre-Prep, there are four distinct classes, each led by a dedicated team of teachers and teaching assistants. Children aged 2 - 4 join the Squirrels Nursery. For school-aged children, their journey begins in Reception (Rabbits Class) and continues through Year 1 (Hedgehog Class) and Year 2 (Badger Class).

Book your tour of the Pre-Prep.

Pre-Prep families benefit from:

Early Years Funding Options 

Up to 30 hours a week of government-funded education are available in the Squirrels Nursery Class, with Early Years funding also usable for children up to five years old in Reception.

Read more about our fees & funding options.

Flexible Childcare 

We accept Tax-Free Childcare, and parents can choose from flexible sessions in the Squirrels Nursery. Our Wraparound Care Service runs from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM, with a minibus service operating between the Pre-Prep and Prep sites and the local areas of Deal, Dover, Thanet, and the surrounding villages.

Read more about our Minibus service

Small Class Sizes 

Low child-to-staff ratios ensure personalised attention in Squirrels Nursery. Class sizes remain small in Reception, Year 1, and Year 2, each led by a class teacher and supported by teaching assistants and specialist subject teachers.

A Comprehensive Curriculum 

Children benefit from a balanced and diverse curriculum, including specialist-taught French, Music, PE, and Forest School sessions. An extensive after-school clubs programme, along with opportunities for Drama and 1:1 Music lessons, further enriches the already broad curriculum.

An Outstanding Environment 

The Old Rectory provides a safe and secure environment for pupils, set in a charming rural location with gardens and woodland for the children to explore. The Pre-Prep is well-equipped with its own IT Room, Library, Music Room, Hall, and Forest School area, with children also benefiting from the Prep School’s Sports Hall, Astro Pitch, and extensive outdoor education areas.

All food is prepared by our catering partner, The Pollen Partnership, and the children enjoy a nutritious hot lunch, as well as morning and afternoon snacks. Children attending Wraparound Care are also provided with breakfast and dinner.

See our current menus.

Parental Involvement 

Staff in Squirrels Nursery and Reception use the Tapestry Online Education Platform to share the children’s learning at school. Parents’ Evenings and regular opportunities for families to communicate and meet with teachers ensure that they are kept up to date with their children’s learning and welfare.

Book your tour of the Pre-Prep.