Year 1 & 2 (Hedgehogs & Badgers Classes)
The Year 1 and 2 curriculum is designed to provide a rich and engaging learning experience, fostering pupils' academic, social, and personal growth. As the oldest children in the Pre-Prep, children in Year 1 and 2 take a leading role in looking after and mentoring the children in the Early Years.
Opportunities for outdoor education and play are abundant, and the children enjoy a broad programme of clubs and extra-curricular activities as well as their timetabled lessons.
In both Year 1 and Year 2, children practice reading every day through various activities. They read aloud to an adult daily, participate in Guided Reading group sessions, and engage in 1:1 sessions with the teacher to develop specific reading skills. We use the Read Write Inc. scheme of phonics to enhance reading and spelling abilities.
We encourage a clear handwriting style, with children working towards using a joined cursive script. A wide selection of literature and poetry, from traditional stories and rhymes to modern children’s authors, serves as a stimulus for our writing activities.
Mathematics lessons in both years start with a mental and oral warm-up for the whole class. The main topic of the lesson is usually practical and interactive, with children using small whiteboards, number fans, cards, and other tools to demonstrate their learning. Small group work may include practical activities or recording work in books. We follow the national curriculum Maths strategy and White Rose Maths, ensuring that each child’s individual needs are met.
Other Subjects
Our curriculum includes a variety of subjects taught either by the class teacher or specialist staff:
Science: Lessons follow different themes, making maximum use of our rich local outdoor environment. Topics include Habitats, Living Things, Forces, Our Bodies, Healthy Eating, Materials, and Growing Food.
History and Geography: These subjects are taught through engaging topics, supported by outings to places like Dover Museum, the beach, and local nature reserves.
French, Music, and Forest School: Taught by specialist teachers. Children in Year 2 travel weekly to the Prep School for their Forest School sessions.
Find out more about our Forest School provision at the Pre-Prep.
French lessons are taught by native speakers, and pupils benefit from time with the French-speaking pupils in our French Bilingual Section.
Read more about our Section Française Bilingue.
Physical Education (PE): PE lessons are also conducted by specialist teachers, ensuring high-quality physical education.
We encourage daily reading practice with parents, using a home reading record book to track progress and change books regularly. Children also practice their spellings at home in preparation for weekly tests. In Year 2, children are given a small piece of maths work to complete at home.
Transition to the Prep-School
A strong emphasis is placed on preparing children for a seamless transition to Year 3. From the Autumn Term, Year 2 students spend one afternoon a week at the Prep-School, making use of the Science lab and ICT suite. This increases during the summer term to include lunch and other lessons. This approach builds the children’s confidence, familiarity, and enthusiasm for the move to the Prep-School. At the end of the year, a “buddy” system pairs each Year 2 child with an older student who will support them in the following September.
Book your tour of the Pre-Prep.