Minibus Service

Our School Buses are available to pick children up before school and return them home in the evenings.

Bus routes current cover:

  • Northbourne, Tilmanstone
  • Deal, Walmer, Whitfield, Ringwould, Sandwich
  • St Margret's, Alkham, Temple Ewell, East Langdon
  • Dover Priory
  • Sandgate, Folkstone, Westwood Cross.

We are happy to consider parent requests for new pick-up/ drop-off locations. Contact our Transport Manager ( for more information.

To make an enquiry, complete the Minibus Serving Booking form and return to the Transport Manager. 

Parent Minibus Service Booking Form 2023/4


Shuttle bus service

A shuttle bus service operates between the Prep School and Pre-Prep for families with children at both sites. In the morning, the bus transports younger siblings from the Prep School to the Pre-Prep, and returns them to the Prep School after school ends.