Squirrel Class
Session Timings (Monday to Friday)
Morning: 8.30am to 10.00am
Morning: 10.00am (& lunch) to 1.00pm
Afternoon: 1.00pm to 4.00pm
Full day: 8.30am to 4.00pm
Read more about session prices and Early Years Funding options here.
The EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) is the statutory framework for the learning, development and care of children from birth to five. We plan a range of stimulating and fun activities to cover all areas of learning through topics which follow the children’s interests and the continuous provision we offer. We also carefully plan the environment, both indoors and outdoors to enable the children to become confident, happy, independent learners with inquiring minds.
The Northbourne Park School uniform is smart but practical and comfortable for our youngest pupils. Squirrels wear branded, navy jogging bottoms and branded sweatshirts.
Find the full uniform list and information about ordering here.
All food is prepared at Northbourne Park by our hospitality partner, The Pollen Partnership. Nutritious (and delicious!) snacks are available in the mornings and afternoons, and a hot lunch is served daily. Particularly pertinent for our youngest children, there is an emphasis on food education, building a positive relationship with food and trying new things! We can cater to a variety of dietary preferences and requirements.
Find the term's menus for meals and snacks here.
Daily Routine Example
Our daily routine provides a balance between child-initiated and adult-directed activities. Through observation and interaction with each child and talking to the parents, we build a picture of the child’s abilities and interests, allowing us to plan for the next steps in their learning.
From 8.00am – Breakfast Service (Wraparound Care)
8.30am - 10.00am Child-initiated indoor and outdoor activities, including story time & topic discussion
10.00am - 11.00am Morning snack & break
11.00am - 12.30pm Child-initiated indoor and outdoor activities, including story time & topic discussion
12.30pm - 2.00pm Lunch & outdoor play
2.00pm Child-initiated indoor and outdoor activities, including story time & topic discussion
3.30pm Afternoon snack
4.00pm End of day
4.00pm - 6.00pm Late Service & tea (Wraparound Care)
Want to find out more about Northbourne Park’s Nursery? Make an enquiry now.